From: Pedro & Suzette Adao

Orange County, CA

Dear Kingdom Entrepreneur,


It's that time of year for us to gather.


This is your official invitation to join us for the 2022 100X Conference. To make things even better, we've decided to make this a hybrid event so thousands of you can also join in on the fun live from the comfort of your home.


Every year when we gather as a family, God reveals new dreams, strategies, and connections to our people. 


This year we will be revealing something SPECIAL ON STAGE that the Lord has shown us that we truly believe will ACCELERATE and EXPAND Kingdom Life for many of you.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to be with family whether it's online or in person...

  • Gather with thousands of Kingdom Entrepreneurs 
  • ​Learn from World-Renowned Speakers
  • Plus So Much More!!!